
This blog is about finding messages within the context of Hollywood movies. Just because a movie appears here does not mean that the author endorses the film. Highlighted films may contain offensive and adult material that may not be appropriate for all audiences. Viewer beware!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Getting started!

Movies are one of my passions. I love to watch movies that make me think. Spend any time in conversation with me and that conversation will most likely end up on the topic of movies at some point.

After having conversations with enough of my friends, they said that if I started a movie blog, they would read it. Maybe they were just being nice and no one will read it, but I'm starting it anyway. I hope someone reads it, other than me.

I'm going to try to post as often as I can. I am also going to try to stick with movies that really have impacted me or made me think, but suggestions are welcome.

Not sure when the first movie post will come, but be on the lookout!

1 comment:

  1. I'll begin with the Oscars. Ok, do we really need 2 award shows to honor the Hollywood elite for films that have already been awarded the millions we spent on it at the box-office? C'mon, it's either the Golden Globes or the Academy Awards. Pick one.
    That said, it was nice to see redemptive films being honored (Blind Side, Precious, Up). By redemptive, I mean films that share stories of personal or corporate redemption - not necessarily in the "christian" sense. (although I believe all redemption is born of God). A good place to start is http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/movies/commentaries/2010/tenredeemingfilmsof2009.html
